

Share your inspiration, spread your ideas, and shout about your initiatives—write an article for 语言教育者. 框架 encourages submissions from world language educators of any level, 任何语言, 以及任何水平的专业经验. From peer-reviewed to first-person articles, your contributions are welcome.

Choose a topic relevant for educators of a broad range of languages and levels and share your expertise by writing one of the following types of articles for consideration for publication in the print and/or the digital edition of 框架 并惠及全联的每一位成员.

Note: You do not need to be a member of ACTFL to submit an article for consideration, but 您必须登录才能上传提交内容.


写一篇实用的, 可复制的, 证据确凿的, evidence-based article on a world education topic of your choice. Your article should be relevant for educators of the broadest possible range of languages and levels and be of use in the classroom, 学校, 或地区. 创新项目, 突破技术, 研究成果在课堂上的成功应用, outstanding 实践…all make excellent feature topics and help advance the profession.

专题文章 submissions are blind peer-reviewed and only a percentage of submissions are accepted for publication. 所有文章在出版前都经过编辑. Feedback from reviewers is provided for articles that are not accepted.


  • 篇幅:约1500 - 3000字. 以Word文件提交(不是PDF).
  • Write in the active voice, be clear and comprehensible, and avoid jargon.
  • Provide the information and resources needed to allow others to replicate your success.
  • Support generalizations with facts and practical examples. Include direct, interesting quotes from your sources when relevant.
  • 使用各种电流, credible sources for data and opinions and cite these sources in text (author, 日期). Provide complete citations for these cited sources in a References section using APA Style.
  • 提供照片和艺术品 你的文章被接受了. You are responsible for obtaining the permissions for any photos and artwork, including permission from students or others featured in photos.
  • If you wish to submit an academic research paper or literature review, 请寄给ACTFL的同行评议季刊, 外语年鉴.
In order to submit this form, 请 have Javascript enabled in your browser.




通过提交此表格, 我同意ACTFL, its representatives and employees the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use submitted video footage, 录音和/或照片 for any lawful purpose ACTFL or its assigns and transferees determine such as publicity, 插图, advertising and web content in any manner or in any medium. 我授权actl, its assigns and transferees to have complete ownership of said video footage, 录音和/或照片 including copyright interests. 我同意actl。, 其转播权的受让人, 展览, 销售或以其他方式分发所述视频片段, 录音和/或照片, 全部地或部分地, 单独使用或与其他产品一起使用. I hereby release ACTFL and its legal representatives for all claims and liability relating to said video footage, 录音和/或照片. 我放弃获得任何赔偿的权利.


Tell your story, promote a cause, discuss professional concerns. Your Educator Voice could be published and also be heard in an online Q&A. These articles are not peer-reviewed but are edited prior to publication.


  • 篇幅:约1000 - 1500字. 以Word文件提交(不是PDF).
  • Write in the first-person, be clear and comprehensible, and avoid unnecessary jargon. 尽情表达你的激情和辛酸吧.
  • Support generalizations with facts and practical examples. 在文本中引用出处(作者), 日期) and provide a complete citation for any cited source in a References section using APA Style.
  • 如果你的文章被接受, you will be asked to submit a photo of yourself and participate in a Zoom Q&A that will be edited and published online in association with the article.


Tell colleagues how you are using the latest language teaching and learning tools and technologies in the classroom. These articles are not peer-reviewed but are edited prior to publication.


  • 篇幅:约750- 1000字. 以Word文件提交(不是PDF).
  • 推荐工具, 实践, or technologies that you have found to be especially useful and explain why they are valuable and how to use them successfully. 要清晰,避免不必要的术语.
  • Provide practical examples and include URLs for access to resources.
  • If your 教育家提示 is accepted, you will be asked to submit a headshot and author data.


Have you taken a high-quality photo or created wonderful art that depicts language teaching and learning in or outside of the classroom? 上传到这里. If we use your work, you will receive credit for you and your 学校.
Note: these are images not associated with a specific article accepted for publication.


  • 提交 JPG or PNG formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
  • 上传时提供归属和标题.
  • Be prepared to obtain permission to publish from those depicted if your work is accepted.

上传有问题吗? 如果您不确定要使用哪个类别门户,请使用电子邮件 tle@shopping-wonder.com.


语言教育者 is a complimentary, members-only benefit that is included with an ACTFL membership. Did you know that you can get an ACTFL membership that includes 框架 每年只需45美元? 我们很乐意让你成为电子下注软件. 现在就加入我们!

请在 我的ACTFL门户网站. 如果您是当前电子下注软件,访问有困难 框架,联系电子下注软件部 在membership@shopping-wonder.com或 请致电(703)894 -2900,分机. 1.